CHICKEN FARM GATES PRICES FIRMED FROM 110 TO 113 A KILO WHILE retail prices continue to stay at 180 Prevailing and 190 pesos high . It SHOWS that Farm gate and retail prices continue to DEFY THE range of farm gate plus 50 pesos formula WHICH MEANS RETAIL SHOULD STAY AT 160 A KILO only .
ATTY Bong Inciong of UBRA thinks that a Php 200 per kilo retail prices in December is unlikely unless Farm gate prices rise to Php 150 a kilo, in a text reply to Vic Dimagiba of Laban Inc. HOWEVER, with pronouncements from BSP that November and December inflation will breach 1 pct , the likelihood that chicken rise to Php 200 a kilo may happen .
And thêre are no relief forthcoming the consumers .
Atty . INCIONG further texted his concern that farm gate prices may collapse post the holiday season as the price of Day Old Chicken now stands at Php 41.00.
THIS indicates that there are no easing on consumer prices for now.
The prices of the 2 most popular lechon Manok now ranges from 285 to 290 a piêce which are higher by 20 to 25 a month ago.