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LKI proposed measures on the 5.7 pct inflation

August 8, 2018
Director Ronnel O. Abrenica
NPCC Secretariat
Amidst the latest inflation of 5.7 % in July , our group proposes the following meaures :
1. Implement moratorium on any price increases ?n items listed in the ? SRP until the end of the first quarter of 2019. In 2 weeks? time , we shall enter the BER months where pressures on demand and supply of bnpc can trigger another round of price increases.
2. Discourage the use of easy open lid for canned products and this translate to a savings of a minimum .50 centavos per can.
3. Together with NFA , to start the implementation of the 10 % discount of NFA rice to the 50 % poor of the population up to 20 kilos per month as per express provision of Train 1.
4. With DOH and BIR , to issue the implementing guidelines on the VAT exemption of medicines for diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension effective Jan 1 2019
for compliance by all hópitals, public or private and drugstores including g?nerics nationwide.
5. To publish in major dailies and tabloids the updates on the E SRP and to mark the items with price increases. This informs consumers on t?me.
6. With the DA and its agencies and the DOH , to deploy full time price monitors (in addition to regular employees) in all wet markets ànd supermarkets in all urban centers in the country .
We appreciate receipt of thêse proposals and action taken thêreon.
Thank you .
Atty. Victorio Mario A Dimagiba
Laban Konsyumer Inc.