May 18, 2018
Clearing Department /BOSG
Ground Floor, DBP Bldg.
Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makai City
Email address: ipd-soa@dbp/ph
This refers to your Advisory on sending SOA for current account through the electronic facility and shall effective immediately discontinue physical delivery of SOA. Corresponding fee of P 100 for 1st 3 pages and P 20 per succeeding page shall be charged effective September 30, 2018.
1. Our group had consistently opposed the collection of extra fee for paper bills. Recently, the National Telecommunications Commission issued a Memorandum Circular that prohibits telecommunication firms to charge an extra fee on our representation. Likewise credit card companies like Citibank had suspended the policy of collection of extra fee. In the case of BDO credit card, a fee of P 30 is collected for reprint of the SOA. The Credit Card Association of the Philippines is currently conducting a survey of the practices of their members but offhand the initial result is the collection is due only for reprinted copy.
2. Not all current account depositors are connected to an internet. They pay for their own internet connection. The Bank should not be allowed to piggy back for free on the subscribers internet connection and turn around and charge the depositors a fee when they opt for a paper bill. The Bank policy under Circular No. 5 dated March 13, 2017 is grossly one sided in favor of the Bank and a form of an unfair and unconscionable sales act and practice prohibited and punishable in section 52 (e) of the Consumer Act.
3. Other public utilities have existing E billing practices but send electronic and paper bills at the same time and at no added costs to the consumers, e.g. Meralco, Maynilad, PLDT, Smart and Skycable.
We propose that the Bank withdraws the Advisory and repeal Circular No. 5. Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Atty. Victorio Mario A. Dimagiba, AB, LLB, LLM